Mr Owl Tootsie Pop Homemade Valentines

Mr Owl Valentine |

We make homemade valentines, and last year we made these Mr Owl Tootsie Pop Valentines. I liked these because it gave my son a chance to be crafty. He got to cut some of the hearts. He was in charge of the glue stick, and he did the writing on the back. They were a bit of work to make, but they weren’t super hard. We made about 36 of these so that my son had enough valentines for kids in his class, a few friends in other classes, and a few teachers. I am pretty sure the adults were the only ones that recognized Mr Owl. That commercial used to run a lot during cartoons when I was a kid. I haven’t seen it much recently. Could be that we skip those with the DVR though. Everyone enjoyed the Tootie Pops. Did you know they are nut free and gluten free? Just heard that from Mr Owl.

Tools and Materials

  • Scissors
  • Hole Punch
  • Glue Stick
  • Brown Paper Grocery Bags. A standard bag should make about 18 owl bodies.
  • Colored Construction Paper. We picked yellow and pink.
  • Googly Eyes
  • Tootsie Pops
  • Scotch Tape


  1. Cut hearts for the beak (yellow) and feet (pink or purple) from construction paper. Each should be about 1.5 inches wide and tall.
  2. For the bodies, cut five inch wide strips from brown paper grocery bags. Fold these in half down the long side, and cut heart shapes that are about 5 inches tall.
  3. Fold the big heart horizontally about 1 1 /4  inch from point. The side with the folded point is the front.
  4. Fold the big heart vertically punch a hole just above the point and 1/2 inch from the fold. These holes hold the Tootsie Pop.
  5. Add a message to the back. We picked “You’re Owl Right” to ours, but you can pick any owl pun (your a hoot, owl be your valentine, etc) that you like.
  6. For the beak, glue one smaller heart onto a larger brown paper heart, under the folded point of the big heart.
  7. For the feet, glue two smaller hearts at the bottom of a brown paper heart. We like them glued on the back.
  8. Glue on googly eyes
  9. Thread a Tootsie Pop through each. We taped them in place on the back so they stayed in place


A bit of variation is fun. We had a variety of sizes of hearts, but it does help to have a reference for the pieces. Click the graphic below for PDF of this template to print.




Let me know if you have questions about how to make these or if you have other ideas for homemade valentines. Anyone with a social media account can comment below.

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